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Acabado: Simple High-Resolution Images

Acabado: Simple High-Resolution Images

One thing which impacts Acabado non-stop is the poor look of the images on the website, especially the homepage and featured post images.

Change Date from Last Updated to Relative Time in Carbonate

Change Date from Last Updated to Relative Time in Carbonate

Today we are looking at how to change the date field from a static date to a more human friendly relative time (eg 6 months)

Making YouTube Links Ask for a Subscription

Making YouTube Links Ask for a Subscription

When you make links to your YouTube channel why ask for a sub when you can force the request on click?

Why Dropship Using Acabado? Diversification and Blogging

Why Dropship Using Acabado? Diversification and Blogging

Building a store without paying for ads means providing content which gets people to your website, dropshipping can pay off very well on organic traffic.

How to Setup Ezoic Ads: Monetization Through Ad Revenue

How to Setup Ezoic Ads: Monetization Through Ad Revenue

Ads are a valuable source of income for a blog and even more for an affiliate blog, always work to make your income streams more diverse for rough patches!

Acabado WordPress Theme Review

Acabado WordPress Theme Review

The Acabado theme was created by Income School and is a quick to setup theme which drives you directly to creating blog posts and content with minimal work!

No Featured Image

Building Your First Niche Site [ 2020 Guide ]

I don't know of much that can compare to the excitement of building your first niche website and business. The chance to start working for yourself and to discard old ways that lead to exhaustion and little personal results.

Acabado: Alternating Flipped Image on Homepage

Acabado: Alternating Flipped Image on Homepage

No Featured Image

High Value Themes for Your Niche Websites

How to choose from the myriad choices available for free and as premium themes. Not all free are good and not all premium work for affiliate and niche sites.

Add Full Function Sidebar Widgets to Carbonate

Add Full Function Sidebar Widgets to Carbonate

In this tutorial we will go about adding a fully functional sidebar to Carbonate that includes enabling a Widget area for adding plugins.

*DEPRECATED* Acabado: Changing Button Text Via Plugin

*DEPRECATED* Acabado: Changing Button Text Via Plugin

Acabado: Change Your Logo Width and Height

Acabado: Change Your Logo Width and Height