Everyone is looking to lighten up the load on their website from plugins and if you want social sharing it is a difficult proposition due to other social sharing plugins offering far more “extras” than you really care for.
I have been testing this out in some sites to see how lightweight it is and I’ve been pleasantly surprised. If you are looking for a good lightweight and user friendly social sharing plugin then this is the one for you!
It is super easy to configure and is definitely worth the install if looking for a social sharing (minimally intensive to setup and use) plugin.
Adding share icons to your site can be frustrating due to lack of support or the addition of too many misc features, Novashare is built for speed and need.
This is a core plugin that I run on every site as it increases the ability to keep people on the site as long as possible, you should too!
You can have a simple bar with a call to action without installing plugins that may make your site insecure, instead build on with code snippets.
You can't go wrong starting to learn page builders with Elementor Free, it can help you understand what the builder experience is like!
When building your niche website you want to install the minimum amount of plugins possible while providing maximum value to your visitors.
If you are building an Amazon Affiliate niche website then having a feature rich plugin to partner on that journey is a MUST!