For some people with Acabado they experience issues with being unable to link the sidebar [ About Us ] feature to a post, this appears to be tied to mod_security rules on the server or host.
To resolve this speak to your host about removing the following mod_security rule.
If you see this line in your Error Log “mod_security rule [id “2500182”] at [/opt/apache24/httpd/modsecurity.d/activated_rules/slr_rules.conf:1989] triggered!”, you have to whitelist the rule.
Acabado has a Hero Image which works well for a desktop view but it is cropped and unusable in mobile view for most, this method allows you to replace the image
Acabado has SEO functionality baked into the theme which can cause issues when you like to use Yoast, Rank Math, or other SEO plugins.
This is a tweak specifically to allow you the ability to make your category and tag pages look much more structured and professional, hopefully you like!
Building a store without paying for ads means providing content which gets people to your website, dropshipping can pay off very well on organic traffic.