Carbonate Theme

Carbonate is a theme from Matt Giovanici who runs and SwimUniversity both of which are full of his bubbly personality and are very successful websites. Carbonate is built on bootstrap 4 and requires knowledge to use as there is no official support.

Change Date from Last Updated to Relative Time in Carbonate

Change Date from Last Updated to Relative Time in Carbonate

Today we are looking at how to change the date field from a static date to a more human friendly relative time (eg 6 months)

Add Next and Previous Posts to Carbonate Homepage

Add Next and Previous Posts to Carbonate Homepage

In this short tutorial we go through the steps to add a previous and next post option onto your homepage to allow moving to older or newer posts.

Add Affiliate Disclaimer To Posts in Carbonate

Add Affiliate Disclaimer To Posts in Carbonate

Use this code to add a very easy and functional disclaimer of affiliation to your posts making sure to keep you safe from Amazon TOS violations and FTC fines.

Add Full Function Sidebar Widgets to Carbonate

Add Full Function Sidebar Widgets to Carbonate

In this tutorial we will go about adding a fully functional sidebar to Carbonate that includes enabling a Widget area for adding plugins.

Converting the Carbonate Theme From Yoast to RankMath

Converting the Carbonate Theme From Yoast to RankMath

Yoast has lately had numerous issues lately with de-ranking content because of changes they made within their plugin, RankMath is new and exciting for SEO.

Adding Tag Support to the Carbonate Theme

Adding Tag Support to the Carbonate Theme

When you use Carbonate you have a very basic streamlined theme built for providing access to a few categories but no tags, today I changed that for PBI!