Please Note: This comes with no support from myself or from Income School as it is only a proof that the ability exists to run Acabado while maintaining the speed benefits. Use at your own risk, I don’t have the ability to make updates to this content.
I have spent a decent chunk of time trying to find a more reliable way to ensure the JQuery stays enabled without loading bulky plugins or without editing the theme itself. This is due to plugins causing load issues just to have JQuery for your needs or theme edits which are overwritten when the theme updates occur.
This requires loading a 0 impact plugin which allows you to add code edits and inject them into your WordPress installation. This is my favorite all-time plugin [ Code Snippets ].
Then after you install Code Snippets you will just need to activate it, click on [ Import ] and import the file below. Once imported just click [ Save and Activate ]
If you still experience issues it could be due to the version I loaded in JQuery, if this happens then replace all the code in the snippet with the code below and save and try again.
add_action( 'wp_head', 'wp_jquery_manager_plugin_front_end_scripts2', 99 );
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'wp_jquery_manager_plugin_front_end_scripts', 99 );
function wp_jquery_manager_plugin_front_end_scripts() {
wp_register_script( 'jquery', false, array( 'jquery-core' ), null, false );
wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery' );
function js_async_attr_child($tag)
if (is_admin() OR strpos($tag, 'jquery')) {
return $tag;
# Add async to all remaining scripts
return str_replace(' src', ' async defer src', $tag);
function wp_jquery_manager_plugin_front_end_scripts2() {
<script type="text/javascript" src="/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.js?ver=1.12.4-wp"></script>
When you want to build landing pages people talk about how you need page builders, the thing is though that Gutenberg by itself may be more than good.
For the links like the about button to function they pull content, sometimes hosting will detect this and block the functionality and this is meant to help ID.
Issue for many with the homepage blogroll and sidebar having bold and or italic text is due to the way Acabado pulls in the excerpt to be used.