This is an interesting niche that came up when I was searching through random lists of niche options and I thought it felt like a perfect match for a review and something someone could jump on and really own.
Soap making is something that is a very information rich, product rich, and a good info product right off the bat before I dug in. This means you can build a website full of informational content that will be exceptionally evergreen and sell them info on how to do it.
Additionally this is a niche that should thrive on Pinterest as you can make some super pins that will be perfect to gathering a click. Indoor hobbies, especially ones heavily done by women, can get thousands of visits from that service when you take the time.
Look, soap went through a big phase where everyone wanted the liquid soaps with the micro-beads in them. Over time those have been shown to be large environmental issues and people are moving back to soaps, but far more like the custom blends.
Whats awesome about soap making itself is that the process to make soap isn’t magical and isn’t constantly changing, when you build passive niche sites you are always looking for a niche that doesn’t require constant hand holding and this appears to be one.
When I think about soap making I don’t see it as tied heavily to any particular season. This to me makes it a very valuable niche as it is also evergreen, the content doesn’t become “out of date” very fast so you can write it once and forget without worry.
Over the last 12 months you can see a solid trend line upwards showing that the search volume has been increasing over time. This isn’t just tied to an increase from the pandemic but that has helped kick this niche up a notch.
As you can probably see the search volume doesn’t have huge peaks and valleys over time so this is pretty consistently searched by people online. This is one of the things that makes this niche super appealing to me!
When checking on soap making on exploding topics it shows solid growth at 50% over the last five years which has a bigger leap here in the pandemic timeline.
This shows me that like we thought the niche isn’t shrinking and is here for the next 5 years at least to give you consistency.
The more niches I look at the more I realize how many little communities still exist online. I figured forums were dead but I still find ones being ran even today that help some of these little niches keep moving.
I was wondering how much people could be in online communities around soap making but I was really surprised to have found multiple forums, groups with hundreds of posts per day, and forums that have consistent activity!
I would say you join theese communities as they will be a large trove of questions with answers that you could pull from to build out your website and get started in hyperdrive.
Build yourself up in these communities and start to build your reputation with them as you can then utilize that to launch an info product or pull in social traffic with ease!
There are many forums that exist and they will be a treasure trove to get a pulse on current trends that haven’t been spotted yet allowing you to hopefully jump on them and rank before anyone else on the same topic.
Additionally, it can be valuable to use their URL to look at the keywords they rank for and see if there is more that you didn’t think of or that you could use to gain traction on your site.
There is a page dedicated to Soap Making but it isn’t gigantic as only around 875 followers versus some of the other niches I have covered. This could be a place where you could get some answers in or possibly pose some questions to help figure out topics to write more on.
As with all Facebook recommendations I would say take some time to build a relationship and provide real help and detailed answers to questions. Then use that rapport to start pulling information from them that others won’t have which is how you get viral content.
I asked xxxxx people from a leading Facebook xxxxxxx Group about xxx and this is what they told me…
Once you gather the information and build the post share it to every Facebook group, since you have been in there they won’t see it as spam and it won’t get blocked and ask them to re-share with people they think would love the information also.
This seems like a niche where you could create videos that can help build your website momentum faster, The videos get good views fast and many of the videos on the 1st page are fairly recent with good views, 37k in 4 hours style fast.
Taking a look at YouTube and a straight forward search of “soap making” shows videos that range from 37k views (last 4 hours!) to almost 3.6 million views on a 4-year-old video.
To me, this niche looks like you can easily get traffic to your YouTube channel if you were to invest in a high-quality setup for yourself and show your progression as you learn in videos.
It is going to be rougher to find images online for airbrushing due to the nature of the work, you can search for some on places like UnSplash to more stock related sites similar to Dreamstime or DepositPhotos.
I would also suggest asking from the Facebook groups and forums for permission to use images users publish and say you can give them credit and link to their websites should they have any, this will help build you some link opportunities as they may choose then to reshare your post.
I would expect a large range of keywords to be available for soap making since there is many ways to approach the subject, from base items, how to mix, adding in supplemental items, shaping, selling, and so much more.
There is a wide variety of ways you can attack soap making but the simplest may be to just take some time and look for the easiest and most underserved keywords that you would ask yourself currently as a beginner.
There are more than a few buyer intent keywords on best of style equipment. If you open up and do a best ten list followed up with each as a full review this could lead you to some quality traffic and maybe Amazon or other (Etsy?) purchases.
There are quite a few buyer intent keywords
Performing an overall search analysis on the topic of Soap Making yields many easy to rank results for articles around 800-2000 words. I would start the site today looking to cover many of these informational posts answering questions these visitors would want to have answered.
About 30 posts in then I would jump into building out some review posts on the most expensive products you can find that don’t have extensive reviews done. I prefer using high-quality product comparison tables like what is offered with Amalinks Pro or AAWP.
The Soap Making niche looks to be a full product range of options you can use for monetization. It looks like you will be more limited by your want of a passive or authority site in the end as you can do almost any kind of product well within this niche. From products, info product options, courses, and advertisements will always yield a good return with an appropriate amount of views.
The three that stand out for this niche right away are going to be around the ability to make quality courses, info products, then the higher ticket products ($50-100), and finally ads for a continuous passive income.
I see courses like a “beginners course to making soap” and similar as easy ways to build an evergreen course structure that doesn’t need ongoing recreation.
As you get feedback from your visitors and purchasers you can then start to add on more course options to help you buffer your income with solid sales items.
This is almost a no brainer as you can easily create an e-book on how to start making your own soap from home. I would believe you could have multiple e-book offerings over time to support the needs of the visitors.
I see soap making basics, how to make a soap base, and similar as easy ways to build out a way to get continuous income from a simple book.
You can start with the products needed to start making soap which has ingredients and then all the equipment for form making and packaging or storing.
I don’t think the future of this niche would be on Amazon I would recommend finding other vendors to give you better cuts on referred sales to help increase passive sales income.
Soap Making niches I couldn’t find anything specific on an EPMV from the research online, as it’s home and health you may get a pretty good return. I would tend to go higher value with Ezoic as your traffic levels increase. I would suggest skipping Adsense and working on content that ranks higher until you can start with Ezoic.
We have a few domains you can get over on NameCheap today to start your journey into the soap making blog world! If you are looking for hosting then check out SiteGround or Green Geeks.
Soap making is something that is just niche enough to have a solid evergreen niche to balance out your inventory. I almost didn’t want to write this one up as I was researching as it is one that I can see having a good long term solid value for anyone brave enough to take it on.
Please contact me if this was useful and informative, also feel free to drop things you would appreciate research on and I would love to cover them. Please share this out to others who you think may find this useful and I’ll be back with another one next week!
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